About Us:

Daily Desh Janatar Bani is like other newspaper. But Daily Desh Janatar Bani is the popular newspaper in Bangladesh including Chittagong. Since 2016 it had been published from Chittagong. The online version is launched for deliver fast news in line with the needs of the era. Online version of www.deshjanatarbani.com launched at the end of 2016.

Our Vision:

We Support the government because we want to make people educated, idealized and patriotic by presenting materialist news.

Our Strength:

Desh Janatar Bani is run by a group of highly educated talented journalists and the Newspaper is always run by the advice of the university teachers and experienced journalists. In a few days the magazine has been able to gain a lot of reputations.

We also have Education Sector, To know more about it visit Our HDS Institute website.


Md. Ziaul Hoq Zia

BA (Horns), MA (All First Class)

Communication & Journalism, Chittagong University.


3 No Muradpur, Abdul Hamid Building (1st Floor), Panchlaish, Chittagong, Bangladesh.